March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Multiple sclerosis, or MS, impacts somewhere between 400,000 and 1 million Americans, and Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month is a time to bring attention to a disease that many in the [...]
The Best Wheelchair Ramp for Chicago-Area Residents
Finding the best wheelchair ramp for Chicago involves evaluating several factors. Of course you are looking for a durable, high-quality ramp that provides wheelchair users easy access to a home [...]
Public Attitude Toward Disabilities
A disability is defined as a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activity. That’s a very broad definition that encapsulates many diseases or conditions. Some [...]
Americans Are Loving the Library
Over recent weeks a significant story based on Gallup Poll made the rounds: Americans visited their local library more than they went to the movies, local sporting events, museums, concerts, [...]
Chronic Illness and the Elderly
For many, it’s difficult to reach old age without developing some form of chronic illness. In fact, 80 percent of older adults have at least one chronic disease, and 77 [...]
National Hobby Month is a Time for Seniors to Grow
One resource that seniors have plenty of is time. January is National Hobby Month and an opportunity to find new ways to spend that time. For many seniors, afflictions like [...]
A Guide to Wheelchair-Accessible Indoor Attractions in Chicago and the Suburbs
The cold weather is upon us, and people in wheelchairs need to know that there are plenty of indoor attractions that are set up to accommodate them. In the winter, [...]
Safe Gift Giving Over the Holidays
If you have young children or grandchildren on your gift-giving list this year, there are guidelines available to help make sure that you do it safely. December is National Safe [...]
Design Considerations for Aging in Place
It’s no secret that many seniors would like to stay in the home they currently live in. With more than 50 million seniors 65 and older living in the US, [...]
National Life Writing Month: It’s Time to Write Your Story
Seniors have a rich story to tell. They’ve played so many roles throughout the course of their lives. If they don’t find a way to tell that story, it’s history [...]