When the discussion turns to wheelchair ramps and stair lifts, the topic of affordable home accessibility may seem a bit overwhelming.

There are many aspects to consider. You need access to doorways. A wheelchair needs to fit through. A plan needs to be developed for interior walkways, high thresholds, or even shag carpeting. Bathrooms also require a strategy.

Before ramps and lifts enter into the equation, is there a workable entrance that doesn’t involve a step? A sliding patio door could work. If there is an entrance that only involves a stair or two, a portable ramp would offer the easier, more affordable solution. A threshold ramp can provide the solution if you only need a few inches of elevation.

Bathroom Safety and Affordable Home Accessibility

The bathroom can be an inherently risky place for the elderly, especially if you are confined to a wheelchair. But there are several products out there designed to mitigate some of that risk.

Bathtub lifts are one way to avoid removing a standard bathtub. They’re a more affordable home accessibility product when you compare the cost to a remodel.

Portable showers are another option for wheelchair users. They offer an experience that is specifically designed for wheelchair users. Again, they are a more affordable option when you consider the alternative involves a remodel.

The toilet can be another challenging area for wheelchair users. Commode lifts can make using the toilet a bit easier for wheelchair users.

Not Every Decision is an Expensive One

When you are preparing your home for wheelchair accessibility, it can be daunting. But affordable home accessibility is within reach. It’s important for the wheelchair users in your life to have the necessary accommodations that make their home more accessible.

If you or someone you know has been recently confined to a wheelchair, you’re not alone. It can be an overwhelming experience. Contact us today, and we can help you establish a plan for affordable home accessibility.