Remember the True Meaning of Memorial Day
While Memorial Day is the unofficial launch to the summer season, the meaning goes much deeper beyond our barbeques and pool parties. The federal holiday originated as a way to [...]
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Disabled
Although Mother's Day has passed, there is still time to show your mother how much she means to you in a very practical way. The first modern U.S. Mother’s Day [...]
5 Changes for a Handicap Accessible Home
If you or a loved one has recently been confined to a wheelchair, there are several considerations that need to be made quickly to create a handicap accessible home. You’ll [...]
May is Older Americans Month
The elderly play a key role in American society. They are often our living link to World War II, Vietnam, and other key historical events. They have stories and backgrounds [...]
What Demographics Need a Wheelchair Ramp?
People of all ages may find themselves in a situation where they need a wheelchair ramp. If your life changes and you are confined to a wheelchair, there are several [...]
Happy Earth Day – And a Year-Round Responsibility to the Environment
This Sunday, April 22, is Earth Day. It’s a day where citizens everywhere rededicate themselves to improving our environment for future generations. It’s a day meant to inspire and educate, [...]
Today is National Pet Day
On National Pet Day, RampNow would like to acknowledge the positive impacts that our animals can have in our lives. For the elderly and disabled, there are many therapeutic and [...]
5 Health Benefits of Volunteering for Seniors
April is National Volunteer Month, and it’s a great time to look at the health benefits of volunteering, as they apply to seniors. It’s not uncommon for seniors to feel [...]
The Spring is a Great time to do a Home Accessibility Check
The Spring is a Great Time to Do a Home Accessibility Check If you or a relative are aging or disabled, when was the last time you thought about home accessibility? [...]
Empowering People With Down Syndrome: March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day
Today is World Down Syndrome Day, and it is an opportunity to advocate for Down syndrome awareness. Currently there are more than 400,000 people living with Down syndrome in the [...]