Why You Need More Gratitude In Your Life
At the end of November, Thanksgiving will provide us all a reason to think about our gratitude. It’s a day to think about the blessings in our lives and be [...]
The Three Benefits of Solitude
What are some things that you think of when you hear the word solitude? Perhaps you think of a monk that lives in a monetary in the mountains, maybe you’re [...]
Four Accessible Places to Celebrate the fourth of July
Get ready for the fanfare, Americana, hotdogs, and fireworks because the fourth of July is quickly approaching! This year we decided to look in to the four places around the [...]
Best Jazz Musicians of All Time
International Jazz Day is April 30, and it might be fun to look at some of the most prolific and best jazz musicians of all time. Many of these artists [...]
Best Opening Day Performances in MLB History
The weather is slowly warming in the Chicagoland area. The days are getting longer. With the advent of Spring comes Major League Baseball, and the rich traditions that it has [...]
Gardening in Illinois: There are Options
The Spring weather is slowly arriving in Northern Illinois and with it comes the ability to do more activities outside. For those with a green thumb or that simply want [...]
Staycation Ideas for Enjoying Yourself in Northern Illinois
Spring break is upon us for many, and the itch to step away for a little bit can be strong. If a full-on vacation isn’t in the cards this year, [...]
6 Great Outdoor Activities for Seniors, No Matter Their Physical Abilities
Spring is right around the corner and with it will come the rising temperatures. Getting a breath of fresh air is important, especially after a long winter Below are some [...]
50 Years Ago: What the World Looked Like in 1972
To many, the world may look unrecognizable from where it was in 1972. While many things have stayed the same, (you can still get a burger at McDonalds, but it [...]
The Positives of Technology for Seniors
Technology can be a scary subject for the older generation, but there are also a lot of positives of technology for seniors. For instance, one popular subject for this demographic [...]