The Early Days of McDonald’s
Close your eyes. Picture yourself biting into a delicious fast-food burger. Chances are, that savory taste that you’re picturing as your mouth starts to water is coming from the industry [...]
Beatles vs. Rolling Stones: Who’s the Better Band?
The Beatles vs. Rolling Stones is an age-old debate that goes back to the 1960s when both bands emerged on top of Britain's new rock scene. It’s been more than [...]
What State Park Do You Want to Visit?
The virus cases are down, and the temperature is up. People are more easily able to move around outdoors, and for many it may be time to start taking advantage. [...]
The Best Dog Breeds for Seniors
Choosing among the best dog breeds for seniors may take some deliberation. Dogs can make excellent companions, but factors like energy level, size, temperament, or grooming can be important considerations [...]
What You Need to Know About Disabled Fishing
The weather is warmer, and the outdoor season is upon us. Disabled fishing is something that can be done with just a few simple modifications. Fishing is a sport that [...]
What New Wheelchair Users Should Know
New wheelchair users tend to have a lot on their mind. Making the transition can be emotional, and often overwhelming. It can impact your life in ways that are often [...]
The Rise and Fall (and Rise?) of Drive in Movie Theaters
The western suburbs are being teased with the revival of one of the only drive in movie theaters to ever grace the area. For many seniors it’s a tradition that [...]
5 Tips for Seniors to Stay Healthy
Adult children often must begin worrying about the health of their parents before they are expecting to. This can often become an overwhelming task, as you don’t want anything to [...]
Handicap Accessible Attractions in Chicago
We’re all headed back to the new normal at our own pace, and many people have the urge to get out of our homes and be active. For many of [...]
There are many great benefits of yoga for seniors... Finding the right form of exercise can be a struggle as you age. Many times flexibility, strength, and endurance can [...]